False wounds & SFX

Special Effects” (English: special effects), often abbreviated to SFX or SPFX, are optical, mechanical or digital techniques used in film, television, photography and stage to achieve effects that cannot be achieved through normal means.”
In terms of grime, this means, for example, making false noses and ears, attaching latex prostheses, making bald heads, making false beards…. The possibilities with Special FX are endless!

This includes the false wounds. These are cool and scary at the same time. Cuts, bullet holes, burns, bruises…. As long as it looks real and painful! Are you looking for someone to apply fake wounds to guests or actors at an event, party or movie set? If so, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Or maybe a workshop is a fun idea for your youth movement or party in a Halloween theme?

Would  you like to learn how to make realistic fake wounds yourself? You can! Click below for dates and more info.

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