Live Bodypaint at Batibouw

Farbo’s booth at Batibouw caught the eye thanks to live bodypaint by Bodypaint by Ellen. Visitors could follow the progression and once model Sarie was ready, visitors could take a picture with her.

Farbo specializes in a new and revolutionary way of surface treatment and repair. They remove graffiti, among other things, and Ellen relied on that for the design.

A live body paint may not be the first thing you think of when looking for an original eye-catcher for your booth at a trade show. Yet it is the best eye-catcher you can think of.

Visitors stay at your booth, take pictures and sometimes return several times to see the progression. Moreover, the threshold to have a chat with your employees becomes very low. A joke or question about the body paint, and the conversation left.

Your company’s logo or theme can be worked into the body paint. First, the breasts are covered with paint behind closed doors or with their backs to the audience. Once these are covered enough, the public can watch the progression. Afterwards, photos can be taken or the model can hand out flyers. The space required is a place for a small table and a makeup chair. Feel free to provide your own model, or we can provide our own experienced body paint models.

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